Providing an easy and safe installation of PhoneStar boards and PowerFloor underfloor heating system. Find relevant product type, directly:

  • Insulation and system supplementary materials
  • Adhesive systems
  • Fastening 
  • PowerFloor regulation technology

WOLF Special product line - up

Insulation materials

WOLF decoupling plate


decouples floor cover to substructure, enables a complete dry floor construction, serves strain relief-, burden sharing- and heat distribution.

WOLF Underfloor Flex


additional impact sound insulation and correction plane beneath PhoneStar or PowerFloor. 

WOLF protective fleece


additional impact sound insulation and correction plane for slightly uneven floors beneath PhoneStar or PowerFloor.

WOLF detachable felt


relieves strain and ensures  protection of PhoneStar when removing floor cover.

WOLF Edge Insulation Strip